National Poetry Writing Month, Day 3, April 3rd

Finally I am catching up with this challenge! I am doing a photo-challenge this month as well, for my blipfoto site, so this is possibly evidence of my insanity. Name a poet who is sane…

Today’s prompt was to write a sea shanty. That would have had me hurling myself off a cliff, if I lived near one, so instead I attempted a million rewrites of something I was trying to express on the bus yesterday, in a landscape very different from my usual one.

Beyond the Bounds

Hills are far away today
distant snowy shoulders.
For now, we will have no trees, valleys, folds

For now we will have open country
red rolling acres of arable
half-timbered houses, half-grown lambs

in fields of green. For today we will
forget winter, and play April’s cheery
cherry melody,

over and over, over and over
against a paint pot sky.

About barabrith

lover of home-baked words, country and coastal locations, fragrances, camping, crafting, and knowledge for the sheer joy of it
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2 Responses to National Poetry Writing Month, Day 3, April 3rd

  1. NoreenB says:

    Stopped by your blog today as I try to visit everyone at at least once! Yes, I would have hurled myself off a cliff to write a sea shanty too! (Although a sea shanty about a poet throwing herself off a cliff has certain charm).
    Love the lines “half-timbered houses, half grown lambs” and “paint pot sky.” Keep going!

    • barabrith says:

      Thank you! I am getting to grips with wordpress software,as I have’t used it for a while. I appreciate your dropping in and your comments, and will try and get round to replying to all and visiting other poets’ blogs.

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